Increasing the flow-eviction threshold The threshold is a type of limit on the number of flows that are cached in the kernel. OVS will handle as many flows as can be processed through ovs-vswitchd. If the number of newly created connections reaches t
原文: Increasing the flow-eviction threshold The threshold is a type of limit on the number of flows that are cached in the kernel. OVS will handle as many flows as can be processed through ovs-vswitc
Open vSwitch系列之一 Open vSwitch诞生 Open vSwitch系列之二 安装指定版本ovs Open vSwitch系列之三 ovs-vsctl命令使用 Open vSwitch系列之四 ovs-ofctl命令使用 Open vSwitch系列之五 网桥特性功能配置 Open vSwitch系列之六 vlan隔离 Open vSwitch系列之七 meter表限速 OpenvSwitch系列之八 vxlan隧道 网络限速有很多种方式,比如网卡限速,队列限速,meter表
译<容器网络中OVS-DPDK的性能> 本文来自对Performance of OVS-DPDK in Container Networks的翻译. 概要--网络功能虚拟化(Network Function Virtualization,VFV)是一种突出的(prominent)技术,用虚拟化的网络软件来代替传统硬件网络节点.伴随着软件领域细分到微服务应用这一过程的发展,容器似乎(appear to)适应了应用程序的可靠性,可获得性,可操作性.为了促进(facilitate)在高稠密(high