需网络稳定,可正常上梯子. /*ubuntu18编译报错:*/ autoreconf: running: /home/jack/openwrt-sdk/staging_dir/host/bin/automake --add-missing Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\${ <-- HERE ([^ \t=:+{}]+)}/ at /home/jack/openw
OpenWRT 编译 error GNU libiconv not in use but included iconv.h is from... 编译的时候碰到一个常见的错误,但是却在一个陌生的地方爆出来: gconvert.c:55:2: error: #error GNU libiconv not in use but included iconv.h is from libiconv google 了一下资料还挺多,总之就是没搜到 OpenWRT 相关的,于是各种想法都有.后来才发现确实是
在python运行过程中出现如下错误: python错误:ImportError: No module named setuptools这句错误提示的表面意思是:没有setuptools的模块,说明python缺少这个模块,那我们只要安装这个模块即可解决此问题,下面我们来安装一下:在命令行下:下载setuptools包 shell# wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/setuptools/setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz解
BUG现象:分配完管脚后全编译出现如下错误. Error (171172):Detected confilicting assignments for the following nodes.Error (171173):Node mosi1_io from partition Top cannot preserve previous placement at PIN 191 and honor the location 解决方式: 原因是软件的问题, 修改引脚配置的时候top文件没有修改就默认