1.序列的语法形式 create sequence 序列名 increment by n start with n maxvalue n | nomaxvalue minvalue n | nominvalue cycle | nocycle cache n | nocache 序列以(start with n)为第一个序列的值,序列各值之间的间隔为(increment by n),序列的最大值为(maxvalue n),序列的最小值为(minvalue n)cycle表示如果序列的值大于最大值
This queston came up on the Oracle newsgroup a few days ago: 这个问题在Oracle的新闻中心被提出了一段时间: I have a table (call it policy) with three columns a, b and c. The table has two rows, with column c having value zero for both rows. I run the following query 有个表
oracle数据库根据不同条件给同一字段修改相应的值: 例如:根据职务调整雇员的工资,如果职务为“SALESMAN”或者“ANALYST”工资上调100元,如果职务为“MANAGER”工资上调200元,其它职务工资上调50元. update emp set sal=( case when job in('SALESMAN','ANALYST') then sal+100 when job = 'MANAGER' then sal+200 else sal+50 end ); 查询出当前的orac
select t.*, t.rowid from tbl_type t order by t.id desc Select SEQ_TBL_TYPE_ID.NextVal From Dual; ; ; Select SEQ_TBL_TYPE_ID.currVal From Dual; DROP SEQUENCE SEQ_TBL_TYPE_ID; CREATE SEQUENCE SEQ_TBL_TYPE_ID; Oracle中创建.修改.删除序列 ORACLE没有象SQL SERVER中一样的自增