create table Uc_t_Department3 as (select * from Uc_t_Department where 1=2);insert into Uc_t_Department3 select * from Uc_t_Department; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dozer简单点说,就是拷贝工具,也是复制工具的意思,官方的解释是:Dozer is a Java Bean to Java Bean mapper that recursively copies data from one object to another. Typically, these Java Beans will be of different complex types.非常直白,就是类与类之间的属性复制,包含复杂的属性,这点非常不错,嗯嗯,看详细运用 引入maven <depe
一. BBED介绍 有关BBED 详细使用说明的pdf文档,也是从网上下载的: http: Thename bbed is an acronym for Block Browser and EDitor and it is shipped with thedatabase. It is intended for Oracle internal use only and the company neverpublishes any de