select * from TABLE as of timestamp sysdate - 10/1440 t WHERE ColName='1111'; TABLE:表名 WHERE:查询子句 sysdate - 10/1440: sysdate:当前日期 sysdate - 10:当前日期的前10天 1440:一天1440分钟 10/1440:前十分钟
一.输出1-100的数据 此处参考 with t(id) as ( as id from sysibm.sysdummy1 a union all ) select id from t 二.DB2输出每隔10分钟的数据 WITH TEMP(D_MINUTE) AS ( SELECT TIME('00:00:00') + A MINUTES FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 CROSS JOIN ())) ROW
v$undostat视图没有依照每10分钟进行更新,v$undostat仅仅有1行(one rows) 參考原文: The V$UNDOSTAT view is not getting updated in every 10 minutes. (Doc ID 1206365.1) 适用于: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: and later [Release: 10.2 and later ] Informatio