Windows 64位下装Oracle 11g 64位,PLSQL Developer使用出现以下问题: 1.Database下拉框为空: 2.强制输入用户名.密码及Database,登录弹出: Initialzation error Could not initialize "...." Make sure you have the 32 bits Oracle Client installed. OracleHomeKey: OracleHomeDir:... Found:oci.
解决X64操作系统PL/SQL连接报错问题 make sure you have the 32 bits oracle client installed 说明PLSQL Developer并不支持Oracle 64位客户端连接. 之前在网上找了一个解决方法.不知道是不是我个人电脑的问题,反正行不通,后来我安装了两个oracle 客户端,先安装一个32的,然后把文件留着,用来支持PL/SQL,然后卸载,再安装64的,VS就可以正常使用了! 进入“首选项”(工具-〉首选项),左侧选择Oracle,右
1. Question description: if you are setting the oracle client to add a local network service, you may see the dialogue that show you the message (oracle client ORA-12541: TNS: 无监听程序). can check the listener first, with command (lsnrctl status;
Windows 64位下装Oracle 11g 64位,PLSQL Developer使用出现以下问题: 1.Database下拉框为空: 2.强制输入用户名.密码及Database,登录弹出: Initialzation error Could not initialize "...." Make sure you have the 32 bits Oracle Client installed. OracleHomeKey: OracleHomeDir:... Found:oci.
If you execute SP in the Oracle client and got the error like this: oracle.xdo.XDOException: oracle.xdo.XDOException: oracle.xdo.dataengine.datasource.plugin.DataAccessException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: æ•°å—或值错误 : ch
服务器重启后,数据库登录信息为空 错误信息: ---------------------------(Not logged on) - PL/SQL Developer---------------------------Initialization errorCould not initialize "D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\oci.dll"Make sure you have the 32 bits Orac
requirement : connecting to remote oracle server . now I know the connectionURL :connectionUrl :jdbc:oracle:thin:LUXPRODUCTION/LUXPRODUCTION@// I don't have to install oracle server in local environment. I need to install plsql
好好的程序,突然出现了错误,原因是:System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater,很是奇怪 服务器上的oracle明明是10g,程序出错就也不提示8.1.7啊,百度了一下,发现有解决方法如下: 原来当Oracle 9.2运行在NTFS的分区上时,对于某些非administrator组的用户,ORACLE_HOME 目录是不可见的,而在windows server 2003下asp