OGG(Oracle GoldenGate)参数介绍 所有的GoldenGate进程均有参数文件 Manager Extract Replicat Utilities 所有参数均有缺省配置 实际应用只需对小部分参数进行配置 所有参数文件均放在 ./dirprm目录下 缺省通过进程名进行查找 一.全局参数 MGRSERVNAME Specifies the name of the Manager process when it is installed as a Windows service.
oracle in表达式参数支持最大上限1000个 方法是拆分为多个 col in ... or col in ... #region 解决大于1000的问题 private String getSubQuery(String riskIds) { int strParaLen = riskIds.Length; string subQ = string.Empty; subQ = subQ + "("; if (!"".Equals(riskIds) &&
ORACLE 11GR2常用参数(含隐含参数)设置如下: alter system set "_PX_use_large_pool" = true scope=spfile;alter system set "_clusterwide_global_transactions" = false scope=spfile;#RAC环境 https://www.sohu.com/a/152628320_505827alter system set "_gc_de