安装Oracle 11gR2,报错:[INS-06101] IP address of localhost could not be determined 出现这种错误是因为主机名和/etc/hosts 文件不一致. 1./etc/sysconfig/network[root@rac2 11.2.2]# cat /etc/sysconfig/networkNETWORKING=yesHOSTNAME=rac2 2./etc/hosts[root@rac2 11.2.2]# vi /etc/hos
Oracle Online Patching报错"This is not a RAC setup. OPatch cannot determine the local node name" 问题描述 Oracle有一个BUG为 Bug 18034737 - Tracefiles from wxxx space management slave processes after upgrade to (Doc ID 18034737.8). 具体会一
Oracle环境:oracle 创建的 public dblink 连接oracle ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied ORA-02063: preceding line from <link_name> 一.创建dblink create public database link dmz63 connect to xyy identified by xyy using '(DESC
报错信息如下: >>> Couldnot execute auto check for display colors using command /usr/bin/xdpyinfo.Check if the DISPLAY variable is set. Failed <<<< 解决方法: # 如果是使用xshell登录 重新从Oracle用户直接登录(不要从root用户切换) 执行xhost + 执行安装命令