Party Games You've been invited to a party. The host wants to divide the guests into 2 teams for party games, with exactly the same number of guests on each team. She wants to be able to tell which guest is on which team as she greets them as they ar
New York Comic Con - 2013年纽约动漫展 New York Comic Con is the largest pop culture event on the East Coast. Hosting the latest in comics, graphic novels, anime, manga, video games, toys, movies and television. Visit us at booth #945. Thursday, October 10,
本文是Unity官方教程,性能优化系列的第三篇<Optimizing garbage collection in Unity games>的翻译. 相关文章: Unity性能优化(1)-官方教程The Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(2)-官方教程Diagnosing performance problems using the Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(3)-官方教程Optimizing garbage collection in Uni
本文是Unity官方教程,性能优化系列的第四篇<Optimizing graphics rendering in Unity games>的翻译. 相关文章: Unity性能优化(1)-官方教程The Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(2)-官方教程Diagnosing performance problems using the Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(3)-官方教程Optimizing garbage collection in Uni
如图所示的效果,小球相互碰撞会相互弹开,这时要干的事就只有两件事了,一:用二次循环遍历小球是否互相碰撞,二:碰撞之后会弹向什么地方和弹出多少距离,第一件事我想学过二维数组循环的都没问题,第二件事也只是用上期次弹动讲到的三角函数来判断角度,因为是力是相互的,所以反弹的一方应该是负值,而且因为撞击力会抵消,所以应该在乘以系数之后再乘以0.5这样就是相互弹撞,为了让效果明显,可以让反弹系数变成0.5,这样在弹在墙上就会变缓慢,效果就会变得更好 讲了这么多还是老规矩,代码贴上 var canvas =