Perf是Linux kernel自带的系统性能优化工具.Perf的优势在于与Linux Kernel的紧密结合,它可以最先应用到加入Kernel的new feature.pef可以用于查看热点函数,查看cashe miss的比率,从而帮助开发者来优化程序性能. 1.perf的安装 由于我们经常是在自己编译的内核上进行开发工作,这里需要有包含调式信息的内核启动镜像文件vmlinux,在自定义内核的基础之上,进入linux内核源码,linux/tools/perf make make instal
从2.6.31内核开始,linux内核自带了一个性能分析工具perf,能够进行函数级与指令级的热点查找. perf Performance analysis tools for Linux. Performance counters for Linux are a new kernel-based subsystem that provide a framework for all things performance analysis. It covers hardware level (CP
perf使用示例1 perf - Performance analysis tools for Linux Performance counters for Linux are a new kernel-based subsystem that provide a framework for all things performance analysis. It covers hardware level (CPU/PMU, Performance Monitoring Unit) featur