根据inspect模块官文文档中关于函数参数类型的相关说明,python函数参数共有五种类型,按顺序分别为:POSITIONAL_ONLY.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD.VAR_POSITIONAL.KEYWORD_ONLY.VAR_KEYWORD.如图: POSITIONAL_ONLY:参数值必须以位置参数的形式传递.python没有明确的语法来定义POSITIONAL_ONLY类型的参数,但很多内建或扩展模块的函数中常常会接收这种参数类型,实际使用中不多见,这里暂不考虑. PO
There are several ways: Write-Host: Write directly to the console, not included in function/cmdlet output. Allows foreground and background colour to be set. Write-Debug: Write directly to the console, if $DebugPreference set to Continue or Stop. Wri
关于这个问题争论了很久,最近也是偶然发现这个问题 经典名言: O'Reilly's Java in a Nutshell by David Flanagan (see Resources) puts it best: "Java manipulates objects 'by reference,' but it passes object references to methods 'by value.'" 规则 1.对象就是传引用 2.原始类型就是传值 3.String等immut