#pg_sql之增删改查 #修改: inset into table_name (id, name, age, address ) select replace(old_id,old_id,new_id),#old_id字段的old_id数据,替换为new_id ,)),#name字段替换为[新名字]+name , address from table_name where id ' #增加 inset into table_name (id, name, age, address, date
; --更新数据 ,,) ; --插入数据 ORDER BY app_name,flag asc/desc ; --查询数据并且排序 offset ; --查询起点0开始查询,返回5条数据 ORDER BY colname DESC NULLS FIRST / LAST; --排序并且指定某数据排第一或最后 SELECT *, ( END ) sn FROM table009 ORDER BY END,sn; --case...when..then...else... end ';--删除数据
postgres中几个复杂的sql语句 需求一 需要获取一个问题列表,这个问题列表的排序方式是分为两个部分,第一部分是一个已有的数组[0,579489,579482,579453,561983,561990,562083] 第二个部分是按照id进行排序,但是需要过滤掉前面已有的数组. 最开始的时候我大概是想这么写的: select * from question where id = any( array_cat( ARRAY[0,579489,579482,579453,561983,5619
概念: PostgreSQL (pronounced "post-gress-Q-L") is an open source relational database management system ( DBMS ) developed by a worldwide team of volunteers. PostgreSQL is not controlled by any corporation or other private entity and the source cod