Phaser提供了动态增parties计数,这点比CyclicBarrier类操作parties更加方便.它是jdk1.7新增的类,今天我们就来学习一下它的用法.尘埃落定之后,回忆别来挑拨. Phaser的简单使用 一.Phaser的arriveAndAwaitAdvance方法使用 package com.linux.thread.thread; import java.util.concurrent.Phaser; public class PhaserRun1 { public stati
相信对于继承和多态的概念性我就不在怎么解释啦!不管你是.Net还是Java面向对象编程都是比不缺少一堂课~~Net如此Java亦也有同样的思想成分包含其中. 继承,多态,封装是Java面向对象的3大特征. 继承 如果用.Net写一个A类继承B类的话,写法会是大致如下: Public Class A : B{ ....... } Java的话却要通过extends关键字在声明类的时候指定其父类(基类),所以上面的.Net写法要转换成Java的话应该是下面的样子: Public clas A ext
/** * #这是一个对jQuery.isPlainObject(obj)稍加修改的方法. 一个 普通对象 obj.toString() => "[object Object]" * This is a slightly modified version of jQuery.isPlainObject. A plain object is an object whose internal class property is [object Object]. * @method P
/** *#填充字符串方法 * Javascript string pad * pad = the string to pad it out with (defaults to a space) * dir = 1 (left), 2 (right), 3 (both) * @method Phaser.Utils.pad * @param {string} str - The target string. ——#需要填充的字符 * @p
Parametric Curves and Surfaces Abstract. This paper is concerned with parametric curves and surfaces definitions, such as singular point and regular point and their application in OpenCascade. The two most common methods of representing
arriveAndAwaitAdvance()方法 arriveAndAwaitAdvance()作用是当前线程已经到达屏障,在此等待一段时间,等条件满足后继续向下一个屏障执行. public class PrintTools { public static Phaser phaser; public static void methodA() { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " A1 begin " +
java.util.concurrent包的类都来自于JSR-166:Concurrent Utilities,官方的描述叫做“The JSR proposes a set of medium-level utilities that provide functionality commonly needed in concurrent programs. ”.作者是大名鼎鼎的Doug Lea,这个包的前身可以在这里找到,它最好的文档就是系统的API手册. 当然,这里参考的concurrent包
在Java多线程编程中,经常会需要我们控制并发流程,等其他线程执行完毕,或者分阶段执行.Java在1.5的juc中引入了CountDownLatch和CyclicBarrier,1.7中又引入了Phaser. CountDownLatch A synchronization aid that allows one or more threads to wait until a set of operations being performed in other threads completes