Your environment has been set up for using Node.js 8.5.0 (x64) and npm. C:\Users\horn1>cd C:\Users\horn1\Desktop\python\42-torrentParser C:\Users\horn1\Desktop\python\42-torrentParser>python 文件名=./6.torrent 文件结构: announce:b'http://t
俄文的的字符可以用 'A' 到 'Я '. public class main { public static void main(String args[]) { char S = 'А', C = 'Я'; System.out.println("俄文字母共有:" + ((int) C - (int) S + 1) + "个"); for (char i = S; i <= C; i++) { System.out.print(i + " &qu
在运行python中因为添加了中文注释,遇到SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\xb8' in file 经过百度,说是Python的默认编码格式是UTF-8,若指定编码格式则需在开头添加如下代码: #-*-coding:gb2312-*-问题即可解决!!
先把原先你创建的这个表删除,然后 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tdb_goods( goods_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, goods_name VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, goods_cate VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, brand_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, goods_price DECIMAL(15,3) UNSIGNED NOT N