The string "PAYPALISHIRING" is written in a zigzag pattern on a given number of rows like this: (you may want to display this pattern in a fixed font for better legibility) P A H N A P L S I I G Y I R And then read line by line: "PAHNAPLSII
public class leve { private int leveNo; private int strLength; private int strTimes; private int timeLimit; private int perScore; public leve(int leveNo, int strLength, int strTimes, int timeLimit, int perScore) { super(); this.leveNo = leveNo; this.
python出输出字符串方式: >>> who='knights' >>> what='NI' >>> print ('we are the',who,'wha say',what,what,what,what) we are the knights wha say NI NI NI NI >>> print ('we are the %s who say %s'% (who,(what+' ')*4)) we are the kni
C 货币 2.5.ToString("C") ¥2.50 D 十进制数 .ToString("D5") E 科学型 .ToString("E") 2.500000E+005 F 固定点 .ToString("F2") 25.00 G 常规 2.5.ToString("G") 2.5 N 数字 .ToString("N") ,,000.00 X 十六进制 .ToString("X
--将行转为字符串 select stuff((select top 20 ','+ QQ from dl_QQ where uiid=1 order by tim desc for xml path('')),1,1,'') -- ============================================= -- Description: 将字符串转为表格 /* 例:select * from [f_split]('spu0987*5//spu0988*5/spu0989*5',
@{ Model p = new Model(); //输出名称和年龄 //1.第一种方式 @:姓名=@p.Name //2.第二中方式 <text>年龄=</text>p.Age } PS:@:表示后面直接输出字符串 <text></text>表示里面输出的是字符串 两种方式可以任选一种,注意<text>不是html标签,它是razor语法中专门用来输出字符串的