open # with open('log','r') as f: 或者 r=open(filename,r+) with open ('1.txt','r',encoding='utf-8')as r,open ('2','x',encoding='utf-8')as w: 同时操作两行. readline()每次读取一行,当前位置移到下一行: readlines()读取整个文件所有行,保存在一个列表(list)变量中,一行一个元素. read(size)从文件当前位置
The FFT core provides four architecture options to offer a trade-off权衡取舍 between core size andtransform time.• Pipelined Streaming I/O – Allows continuous data processing.• Radix-4 Burst I/O – Loads and processes data separately, using an iterative a