海外ubuntu,lamp,ftp,phpmyadmin配置 1. 更换源 1.1 clean /etc/apt/sources.list file 1.2 Ubuntu Sources List Generator: https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ 1.3 copy the sources from the link above in the sources.lists 1.4 sudo apt-get update 2. 安装lamp 一键安装LAMP服务:s
分两步: STEP :配置maven: STEP :配置IDEA.区分默认配置和项目级配置. STEP 1:maven中央库配置 国内常用的maven库主要是阿里云maven库.华为云maven. 其中阿里云maven库配置如下: 配置文件路径为conf/settings.xml <mirrors> <!-- mirror | Specifies a repository mirror site to use instead of a given repository. The repo