原文:字符串json转换为xml xml转换json // To convert an XML node contained in string xml into a JSON string XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xml); string jsonText = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(doc); // To convert JSON text contained in string js
系列目录 [已更新最新开发文章,点击查看详细] 一.STEP标准简介 STEP,它是Standard for the Exchange of Product model data的缩写.产品数据交换标准STEP (Product data exchange standard STEP) 指国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的系列标准ISO 10303 <产品数据的表达与交换>.这个标准的主要目的是解决制造业中计算机环境下的设计和制造(CAD/CAM)的数据交换和企业数据共享的问题.中国陆续将
;Configuration of http [http] doamin=www.mysite.com port= cgihome=/cgi-bin ;Configuration of db [database] server = mysql user = myname password = toopendatabase 转换为: <!-- Configuration of http --> <http> <doamin>www.mysite.com</
for xml path 如何将字段作为xml的属性: 可在查询时 别名用 as '@..' 如'@value' 如下实例: SELECT A.GiftSetGUID AS '@value',A.GiftSetName AS '@text' FROM ( AS num ,)) AS GiftSetGUID ,sgs.GiftSetName FROM s_GiftSet sgs INNER JOIN p_room pr ON pr.ProjGUID = sgs.ProjGUID INNE