PrincipalObjectAccess (POA) table is an important table which holds all grants share on CRM objects. This is just for understanding purpose. [PrincipalObjectAccessId] ,[PrincipalId] ,[PrincipalTypeCode] ,[ObjectId] ,[ObjectTypeCode] ,[AccessRightsMas
By default, if the user is browsing the values in a SpinnerListModel, the iteration stops when either end is reached. This example demonstrates a subclass that allows the user to continuously loop through the values. SpinnerCircularListModel listMode
mdl是数据操作类的语言,包括向数据表加载文件,写查询结果等操作 hive有四种导入数据的方式 >从本地加载数据 LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH './examples/files/kv1.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE [tableName]; >从hdfs上加载数据 load data inpath 'hdfs://' >从其他表中查出数据并加载到其