#遍历字典, 分别打印key, value, key:value emp = {'name':'Tom', 'age':20, 'salary' : 8800.00} for k in emp.keys(): print('key = {}'.format(k)) for v in emp.values(): print('values = {}'.format(v)) for v,k in emp.items(): print('{v}:{k}'.format(v = v, k = k)) 打
MYSQL篇 新增如果unique索引字段重复,则更新: insert into mg_user(key,key2,key3)value('value','value2','value3') on duplicate key update key=value,key2=value2,key3=value3 show global variables: if(!mysql_real_connect(&logdb, my_hostname, my_user, my_password, my_dbna
When I have do some sql tody, some confusion come up to me. Its about the index && PRIMARY KEY && UNIQUE KEY in MySQL. So I google it for the answers. There is a clearly answer on the StackOverflow. So I share it on this BLOG. About INDEX:
环境: EF core 2.0 Net core 2.0 错误: 因实体定义了多个key,打开数据库时程序报以下错误 An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request. InvalidOperationException: Entity type '***' has composite primary key defined with data annotations. To set composite primary ke
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