This inspection detects names that should resolve but don't. Due to dynamic dispatch and duck typing, this is possible in a limited but useful number of cases. Top-level and class-level items are supported better than instance items. 上面大致意思: import 不
导入报错 [root@redis02 data]# mysql -u root -p < ht.sqlEnter password: ERROR 1840 (HY000) at line 24: @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty. 简单粗暴的玩法先把活干拉在说,vi ht.sql 删除一下几行 ---- GTID state at the beginning of the backu
文件是utf8的,数据库表是utf8的,为什么客户端导入会报错呢? 发现客户端用的是gbk的 改为utf8后正常 SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character%'; +--------------------------+--------------+| Variable_name | Value |+--------------------------+--------------+| character_set_client | gbk
批量导入数据到hbase的时候,报错: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RetriesExhaustedWithDetailsException: Failed 1 action: NotServingRegionException: 1 time, at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.AsyncProcess$BatchErrors.makeException( at org.apache
Reinhard重装了服务器.重装后,导入项目A报错,错误提示如下: A table, Extended Data Type, Base Enum or class called ???? already exists. 每次重装后,AOT中的元素ID都会重新生成,可能是我项目A中的某个元素ID,被新环境中的其他元素占用. 将AOT中,已经导入的项目A的元素全部删除,然后刷新AOT. 重启开发工作区.重新导入项目A,这次就好了.
第一个当报cannot find interface declaration for 'UIImage或者use of undeclared identifier 'UIImage'时我们要在报错页面导入这个框架 '#import 第二个错误 在AFSecurityPolicy.m这个类中,会报这样三个错误 1. Use of undeclared identifier 'kSecFormatUnknown' 2. Use of undeclared identifier 'kSecItemPe
出现这种情况通常是jar不能自动下载 一.下载jar包外的其他文件,并放到仓库对应路径下: 点击View All,下载其他文件并放到仓库 二.这样仓库这个对应jar包的文件就齐全了.如果还是报错,请检查是否少一个_remote.repositories文件. 没有就在别的jar文件下复制一个,做相应修改:fastdfs-client-java-1.27-RELEASE对应你的jar包名称 #NOTE: This is an Aether internal implementation file,
imp user/passwd file=/data/oracle/oraclesetup/passwd.dmp 报错: Export file created by EXPORT:V11.02.00 via conventional pathIMP-00013: only a DBA can import a file exported by another DBAIMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully解决办法: 给导入用户赋予dba权限 gra
linux服务器使用Jenkins+gradle+git打apk包,遇到的错误Gradle build daemon disappeared unexpectedly (it may have been killed or may have crashed),如图所示 问题产生原因:linux服务器可用内存太小,Android项目编译时恰恰又比较耗内存,所以在编译中内存不足,gradle报错 查看内存命令:free -lh