在使用nose时,有这样一个需求,用例执行打乱,但部分用例因场景原因必须先执行,这类用例在写用例时人为的加上了test_a或test_z字样 网上找了一圈,都没找到合适的方法,只有自己写插件了 已写完,需要的请安装 pip install nosedisorder --with-disorder Enable plugin Randomize: Randomize the order of the tests within a unittest.TestCase class exclude te
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import unittest class test(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): print 'This is the setup msg' def tearDown(self): print 'This is the teardown msg' def test1(self): print 'This is the first testcase' def test2(self): print 'This