python中字符串方法 name = "I teased at life as if it were a foolish game" print(name.capitalize())#首字母大写 print(name.count("a"))#查找字符串中a的个数 print(,"-"))#长度为50将name放中间不够的用-补全 print(name.endswith("ex"))#字符串是否以e
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Python的字符串格式化有两种方式: 百分号方式.format方式 百分号的方式相对来说比较老,而format方式则是比较先进的方式,企图替换古老的方式,目前两者并存.[PEP-3101] This PEP proposes a new system for built-in string formatting operations, intended as a replacement for the existing '%' string formatting operator. 1.百分号