#Python绘制 文本进度条,带刷新.时间暂缓的 #文本进度条 import time as T st=T.perf_counter() print('-'*6,'执行开始','-'*6) maxx=11 #要大1 for i in range(maxx): s1='*'*i s2='->' s3='.'*(maxx-i-1) T.sleep(0.5) #假装有延时 dur=T.perf_counter()-st print("\r%3d%%[%s%s%s] %.2fs"%(i
//绘制表格 //定义绘制表格的参数 Pen _Pen = new Pen(Brushes.Black); // VBConversions Note: Initial value cannot be assigned here since it is non-static. Assignment has been moved to the class constructors. //笔 Font _Font = new Font("微软黑体", (float)(10.5F), Fon
在研发闲暇时间,把开发过程中比较重要的一些代码做个珍藏,下面的代码内容是关于wxpython 支持python语法高亮的自定义文本框控件的代码,应该是对大家也有用. import keywordimport wximport wx.stc as stcimport images #---------------------------------------------------------------------- demoText = """## This versio