函数之间传递list: def show(ll): for i in ll: print(i) show(['chen','hang','wang','yadan']) #========================================== chen hang wang yadan *args:输入数据长度不确定,通过*args将任意长度的参数传递给函数,系统自动将任意长度参数用list表示 def show(*args): for i in args: print(i) sho
根据inspect模块官文文档中关于函数参数类型的相关说明,python函数参数共有五种类型,按顺序分别为:POSITIONAL_ONLY.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD.VAR_POSITIONAL.KEYWORD_ONLY.VAR_KEYWORD.如图: POSITIONAL_ONLY:参数值必须以位置参数的形式传递.python没有明确的语法来定义POSITIONAL_ONLY类型的参数,但很多内建或扩展模块的函数中常常会接收这种参数类型,实际使用中不多见,这里暂不考虑. PO
一.三道考题 开讲之前,我先请你做三道题目.(嘿嘿,得先把你的头脑搞昏才行--唉呀,谁扔我鸡蛋?)考题一,程序代码如下:void Exchg1(int x, int y){ int tmp; tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp; printf("x = %d, y = %d\n", x, y);}main(){ int a = 4,b = 6; Exchg1(a, b); printf("a = %d, b = %d\n"
add by zhj: 在Python文档中清楚的说明了默认参数是怎么工作的,如下 "Default parameter values are evaluated when the function definition is executed. This means that the expression is evaluated once, when the function is defined, and that the same “pre-computed” value is used
1.位置参数 函数调用时,参数赋值按照位置顺序依次赋值. e.g. def function(x): 3 return x * x 5 print function(2) 输出结果: 4 def function(x, n): return x / n 5 print function(4, 2) 输出结果: 2 2.默认参数 在函数定义时,直接指定参数的值. e.g. def function(x, n = 2): s = 1 while n > 0: n = n -1 s = s * x r