datafile.txt #文件 Man: this is the right room for an argument. Other Man: I've told you once. Man: No you haven't Other Man: Yes, I have. (pause) Man: When? Other Man: Just now. Man: No you didn't Other Man: Yes I did. Man: You didn't Other Man: I'm
我们在用python进行数据处理时往往需要将文件中的数据取出来做一些处理,这时我们应该注意数据文件的路径.文件路径不对,回报如下错误: FileNotFoundError: File b'..Advertising.csv' does not exist 这里列举几种常见的文件路径 1.当文件在当前目录下时:直接用单引号文件名 import numpy as nppath='testdata.csv'data=np.read_csv(path) 2.文件在上一级目录时:大家注意windows读取
问题出现: 在我测试python中的文本文件的读取与写入时,用到了字典对象来存储读出的数据. std_data = dict() with open(sys.argv[1], encoding='UTF-8') as fp: alldata = fp.readlines() for item in alldata: no, name = item.rstrip('\n').split('.') std_data[no] = name print(std_data) 在命令行中运行时始终存在一个开
从文件中读取图片url和名称,将url中的文件下载下来.文件中每一行包含一个url和文件名,用制表符隔开. 1.使用requests请求url并下载文件 def download(img_url, img_name): with closing(requests.get(img_url, stream=True)) as r: with open(os.path.join(out_dir, img_name), 'wb') as f: for data in r.iter_content(102
文件小的读取方法 with open("a1.txt","r",encoding="gbk") as f: r = f.readlines() print(r[0]) # 读第一行 print(r[-1]) # 读最后一行 文件大的读取方法 with open("a1.txt","rb") as f: print(f.readline().decode("gbk")) # 读第一行 of
今天在写登录程序练习的时候,黑名单文件中多了几行空行.导致运行的时候报错:IndexError: list index out of range 代码 brackData = open(brackDataPath,"r") for line in brackData: temp = line.strip().split(',') brackDict[temp[0]] = int(temp[1]) brackData.close() 错误 Traceback (most recent c