用Python编写一个简单的Http Server Python内置了支持HTTP协议的模块,我们可以用来开发单机版功能较少的Web服务器.Python支持该功能的实现模块是BaseFTTPServer, 我们只需要在项目中引入就可以了: from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler,HTTPServer 1 Hello world ! Let’s start with the first basic example. It just ret
我想要一个可以为我的所有重要文件创建备份的程序.(下面测试环境为python2.7) 1.backup_ver1.py #!/usr/bin/python import os import time # 1. The files and directories to be backed up are specified in a list. source = ['/home/esun'] # If you are using Windows, use source = [r'C:\Documen
终极解决方法来啦!看代码感受: import requests import eventlet import time eventlet.monkey_patch() try: with eventlet.Timeout(5): response = requests.get("http://t.co/iXJWRrfl5n", verify=False) #http://t.co/iXJWRrfl5n is a radio stream!! #response = requests.g
#!/usr/bin/env python3 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- #":"冒号后面为对参数注释,"->"为对整个函数注释 def two_function(n:"循环次数")->"求2的次方冥": #初始值 a = 2 i = 0 #定义循环,2的次方 while i<n: #不使用>=是因为已经定义了第一个值为2 #将a 的值赋给x,输出第一个值 x = a #对循环次数+1