Linux下Python 文件替换脚本 import sys,os if len(sys.argv)<=4: old_text,new_text = sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2] file_name = sys.argv[3] f = open(file_name,"rb") new_file = open(".%s.bak" % file_name,"wb") for line in f.xreadlines(): pr
代码示例如下: #!/usr/local/bin python import os def swapextensions(dir, before, after): if before[:1] != '.': before = '.'+before thelen = -len(before) if after[:1] != '.': after = '.'+after for path, subdir, files in os.walk(dir): for oldfile in files: if
今天本来打算写个程序,替换字符串中固定的一个字符:将<全部替换成回车'\n' 于是,我写成这样 s='sdjj<ddd<denj,>' for x in s: if x=='<': x='\n' print(s) 然后输出还是 'sdjj<ddd<denj,>' 然后我就很纳闷,于是乎我又写成了这样 s='sdjj<ddd<denj,>' ss=list(s) for x in ss: if x=='<': x='\n' print(
官方文档有句话"allows you to call any program",并且: helps you write shell scripts in Python by giving you the good features of Bash 第一句话助你在Python中轻松调用自己的程序,第二句则给你机会和Shell这种土豪交朋友 ㈠ 调用系统的程序 [python] >>> import sh >>> print('/home/m
使用body操作 # -*- coding:UTF- -*- import win32com.client from time import sleep second=win32com.client.DispatchEx("InternetExplorer.Application") second.Navigate('') second.Visible= while second.Busy: sleep() d