python2.7安装和uwsgi tar zxf Python-2.7.13xxxx# 这里,必须用–enable-shared,生成动态库,否则会遇到wsgi不能编译的问题. Bonus: multiple Python versions for the same uWSGI binary As we have seen, uWSGI is composed of a small core and various plugins. Plugins can be embedded in the
今天使用pip安装pymysql时出现如下错误: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cryptography (from pymysql) (from versions: )No matching distribution found for cryptography (from pymysql) 使用pip安装其他模块时也可能出现上述错误,主要原因是网络的问题,需要使用国内的镜像源来加速,比如豆瓣源 因此命令可以使用