由于KVM的架构为 Libvirt –> qemu –> KVM 所以对于live migration有两种方式,一种是qemu + KVM自己的方式,一种是libvirt的方式,当然libvirt也是基于qemu+kvm的方式 qemu + KVM自己的方式为使用monitor KVM Migration KVM currently supports savevm/loadvm and offline or live migration Migration commands are give
libvirt is a library that provides a common API for managing popular virtualization solutions, among them KVM and Xen. 使用virt-install创建image qemu-img create -f qcow2 /tmp/centos5.8.img 10G virt-install --virt-type qemu --name centos-5.8 --ram 2048 --