字符串有如下几个操作符 QString提供了一个二元的"+"操作符用于组合两个字符串,并提供了一个"+="操作符用于将一个字符串追加到另一个字符串的末尾,例如: QString str1="welcome"; str1=str1+"to you !";//str1="welcome to you !" QString str2="hello ,"; str2+="world!&
QString stores a string of 16-bit QChars, where each QChar corresponds one Unicode 4.0 character. 一.初始化QString字符串 1)Char * 初始化 QString str = "Hello"; QString converts the const char * data into Unicode using the fromAscii() function. 2)QChar[]数组
转自:http://blog.csdn.net/lbsljn/archive/2009/12/29/5099590.aspx MinGw + CodeBlock + QT4.5 类定义后面要加";" 函数的实现部分,如果定义部分有void,则实现部分不能少; 检查include文件有无少; error: request for member `show' in `((MainWindow*)this)->MainWindow::rightform', which is of no