问题:在QFrame中嵌入QMainWindow窗口,却无法显示QMainWindow窗口,调用QMainWindow的show()却能出现单独弹出一个QMainWindow窗口. 解决: 由于QMainWindow有标题栏,导致无法嵌入显示,通过设置窗口标志函数setWindowFlags设置窗口标志未Qt::FramelessWindowhint去除QMainWindow的标题栏,即可显示 代码如下: //MyWindows.h class Frame : public QFrame { p
#include <cv.h> #include <highgui.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <time.h> void cvShowManyImages(char* title, int nArgs, ...){ IplImage *img; IplImage *DispImage; int size; int i; int m, n; int x, y; int w,
This example demonstrates how to populate and display a list of objects that are not bound to the database (non-persistent objects). A sample application that stores a list of books will be created in this example. An Action that displays a list of d