摘要: 看了一个月的Qt,居然没有理清Qt中 ------------------------------------ 1.QMainWindow A main window provides a framework for building an application's user interface. Qt has QMainWindow and its related classes for main window management. QMainWindow has its own
Qt开发问答 1, Difference between Dialog and widget and QMainWindow http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/3465-Difference-between-Dialog-and-widget-and-QMainWindow A widget is an object that can be displayed on the screen. For example a window or a button. A di
Qt默认使用mingw编译,不支持VS编译器,因此,如果需要用VS开发,需要将Qt重新编译.前提:Qt已安装(http://qt.nokia.com/downloads-cn),VS已安装. 1.下载Visual Studio Add-in http://qt.nokia.com/downloads-cn 2.安装Visual Studio Add-in 3.重新编译Qt (1)用Visual Studio Command Prompt进行编译. 开始菜单 --> Microsoft Visua