1.replace 函数 语法:replace(char, search_string, replacement_string) --针对字符串替换 功能: 将char中的字符串替换. 当replacement_string为空时,剔除search_string. select replace('fasdfasdf','fk','j') as col from dual; -- fasdfasdf select replace('fdasfasdd','as','jjj') as col
Qt 在槽函数中获取信号发送对象 Qt中提供了一个函数 qobject_cast(QObject *object),可以通过这个函数判断信号发出对象 Qt 帮助文档的解释: Returns the given object cast to type T if the object is of type T (or of a subclass); otherwise returns nullptr. If object is nullptr then it will also return nul
SQL> select data,translate(data,'0123456789','##########') as num1, replace(translate(data,'0123456789','##########'),'#','') as num2 from v; DATA NUM1 NUM2 -------------------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------