ALTER PROCEDURE _tmp @ID VARCHAR(50), @PN VARCHAR(50), @Type INT AS BEGIN /********************************** -- 功能:多条件查询性能 _tmp 'K3G8KG6NN94SBBS0','K7F7FF',0 **********************************/ PRINT '测试数据条数500W' set nocount ON DECLARE @time DATETIM
------------吾亦无他,唯手熟尔,谦卑若愚,好学若饥------------- 实体类 public class Book { private Integer bookID; private String bookName; private String bookAuthor; private Integer bookPrice; public Book() { } public Integer getBookID() { return this.bookID; } public vo
以前拼接的写法 set @sql=' select * from table where 1=1 ' if (@addDate is not null) set @sql = @sql+' and addDate = '+ @addDate + ' ' if (@name <>'' and is not null) set @sql = @sql+ ' and name = ' + @name + ' ' exec(@sql) 下面是 不采用拼接SQL字符串实现多条件查询的解决方案 第
今天在写springdata条件查询时,JpaRepository的findOne方法,不知道是因为版本的原因还是其他原因,总是查询不出来数据 //springdata jpa版本为1.5.15,配置1.5.18的springboot版本 public User getUserByEmail(String email){ User u=new User(); u.setUserEmail(email); Example<User> example=Example.of(u); User adm