Data manipulation primitives in R and Python Both R and Python are incredibly good tools to manipulate your data and their integration is becoming increasingly important1. The latest tool for data manipulation in R is Dplyr2 whilst Python relies onPa
原文:Simple Tutorial on SVM and Parameter Tuning in Python and R 介绍 数据在机器学习中是重要的一种任务,支持向量机(SVM)在模式分类和非线性回归问题中有着广泛的应用. SVM最开始是由N. Vapnik and Alexey Ya. Chervonenkis 在1963年提出.从那时候开始,各种支持向量机被成功用于解决各种现实问题,比如文本聚类,图像分类,生物信息学(蛋白质分类,爱长分类),手写字符识别等等. 内容 1. 什么是支持
在Python调用R,最常见的方式是使用rpy2模块. 简介 模块 The package is made of several sub-packages or modules: rpy2.rinterface —— Low-level interface to R, when speed and flexibility matter most. Close to R’s C-level API. rpy2.robjects —— High-level interface, when ease-
#coding=utf-8 import os command = 'ping ' #可以直接在命令行中执行的命令 r = os.popen(command) #执行该命令 info = r.readlines() #读取命令行的输出到一个list for line in info: #按行遍历 line = line.strip('\r\n') print line ----------------------------------