htmlParse 函数 htmlParse加抓HTML页面的函数. url1<-""url<-htmlParse(url1,encoding="UTF-8") 但是有的网站会出现报错.例如淘宝,错误信息为: Warning message:XML content does not seem to be XML: '' 原因为htmlParse可以抓取http的页面
Prepare the data 数据来自UCI,一个信a用卡的数据,具体各项变量名以及变量名代表的含义不明(应该是出于保护隐私的目的),本文会用logit,GBM,knn,xgboost来对数据进行分类预测,对比准确率 预计的准确率应该是: xgboost > GBM > logit > knn Download the data datas
f <- function(start_time) { start_time <- as.POSIXct(start_time) dt <- difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units="secs") # Since you only want the H:M:S, we can ignore the date... # but you have to be careful about time-zone issues format(