rabbitmq的RabbitMQ Web MQTT插件可以用来支持将rabbitmq作为MQTT协议的服务器,而websocket支持mqtt协议通信实现消息推送.因为我们目前使用rabbitmq,所以采用其作为ws的服务端(原来有过activemq的做法,其原生也支持MQTT协议). 首先安装RabbitMQ Web MQTT插件,如下: rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_web_mqtt MQTT在15675端口下的ws命名空间暴露WebSocket端点.如
一.官网介绍 Which protocols does RabbitMQ support? RabbitMQ supports several messaging protocols, directly and through the use of plugins. This page describes the supported protocols and helps differentiate between them. AMQP 0-9-1, 0-9 and 0-8, and exten
//生产者 using RabbitMQ.Client; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Producter { class Program { private static void Main() { //建立RabbitMQ连接和通道 var connectionFactor
在mqtt的官方网站,有许多mqtt,其中:MosquittoAn Open Source MQTT server with C, C++, Python and Javascript clients. A public, hosted test server is also available (more information) MoquetteA Java MQTT broker based on an eventing model with Apache Mina. Mosquitto的