RDLC 导出Word的时候发现,Word的尺寸和页边距有问题,查了MSDN看到这样一段话 Page Sizing When the report is rendered, the Word page height and width are set by the following RDL properties: paper size height and width, left and right page margins, and the top and bottom page margi
一.自定义InputFormat 需求:将多个小文件合并为SequenceFile(存储了多个小文件) 存储格式:文件路径+文件的内容 c:/a.txt I love Beijing c:/b.txt I love China inputFormat(自定义加上路径) 1.Mapper类 package com.css.inputformat; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apa
//在将xml文档传输出去时,利用Transformer中的setOutputProperty方法 TransformerFactory trans = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer form = trans.newTransformer(); form.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "gbk");//将xml文档编码设置为gbk Source xmlSource=new DO