新建一个工具类: /** * 解决webView键盘遮挡问题的类 * Created by zqy on 2016/11/14. */ public class KeyBoardListener { private Activity activity; // private Handler mhanHandler; private View mChildOfContent; private int usableHeightPrevious; private FrameLayout.LayoutP
原文地址:How to make your React Native app respond gracefully when the keyboard pops up 原文作者:Spencer Carli 译文出自:掘金翻译计划 译者:rccoder 校对者:atuooo.ZiXYu 在使用 React Native 应用时,一个常见的问题是当你点击文本输入框时,键盘会弹出并且遮盖住输入框.就像这样: 有几种方式可以避免这种情况发生.一些方法比较简单,另一些稍微复杂.一些是可以自定义的,一些是不
We can access web pages in our React Native application using the WebView component. We will connect the links in our repository component to their Github web page when a user click on them. Navigate to WebView component: openPage(url){ this.props.na