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In this lesson we'll take a stateful React component and look at how we can refactor our setState calls to use an updater function and then leverage Ramda's evolvefunction to make our updater function a reusable utility that isn't tied to the React A
在学习React的组件的时候,我也好奇组件间需要共享状态或通信的时候,React是如何处理的.在文档的QUICK START的提到Lifting State Up(状态提升),并不是什么新鲜东西.只是把几个组件需要共享的状态拿出来放到最近的父组件而已.然后通过传参的方式注入子组件,成为其props.由于子组件获取的状态state_inShare都来自父组件,因此各自的state_inShare是同步的. In React, sharing state is accomplished by mov