一.scale函数 R语言base库中自带数据标准化接口scale函数,函数介绍如下 Usage scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) Arguments x: a numeric matrix(like object). center: either a logical value or a numeric vector of length equal to the number of columns of x. scale: either a logic
In MATLAB, there is a very useful function called 'reshape', which can reshape a matrix into a new one with different size but keep its original data. You're given a matrix represented by a two-dimensional array, and two positive integers r and c rep
R in Nutshell 前言 例子(nutshell包) 本书中的例子包括在nutshell的R包中,使用数据,需加载nutshell包 install.packages("nutshell") 第一部分:基础 第一章 批处理(Batch Mode) R provides a way to run a large set of commands in sequence and save the results to a file. 以batch mode运行R的一种方式是:使用系统