(function($, h, c) { var a = $([]), e = $.resize = $.extend($.resize, {}), i, k = "setTimeout", j = "resize", d = j + "-special-event", b = "delay", f = "throttleWindow"; e[b] = 250; e[f] = true; $.event.s
Vue Scroller Vue Scroller is a foundational component ofVonic UI. In purpose of smooth scrolling, pull to refresh and infinite loading. Demo Change Logs v0.3.9 add getPosition method for scroller instance. v0.3.8 fix bug v0.3.7 publish bower version
原文 https://github.com/wangdahoo/vue-scroller 主题 Vue.js Vue Scroller Vue Scroller is a foundational component ofVonic UI. In purpose of smooth scrolling, pull to refresh and infinite loading. Demo Change Logs v0.3.9 add getPosition method for scrolle
在使用setSelectionRange方法的时候一定要加setTimeout,否则无效,代码 var num = $('#input_phone').val().length; setTimeout(function(){ $('#input_phone')[0].setSelectionRange(num,num); },10)
//添加 (function ($, h, c) { var a = $([]), e = $.resize = $.extend($.resize, {}), i, k = "setTimeout", j = "resize", d = j + "-special-event", b = "delay", f = "throttleWindow"; e[b] = 250; e[f] = true; $.e