unity中, 将图集的 alpha 通道剥离出来可减少包体大小和内存使用大小. 方法是将原来的一张 rgba 图分成一张 rgb 和一张 alpha 图,android上rgb和alpha图均采用etc压缩格式,ios上采用pvrtc格式.其中alpha通道信息可以存在r中. 分享 alpha 通道工具的源代码如下: using System; using System.IO; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; public static class
ShaderLab syntax: Blending 混合 Blending is used to make transparent objects. 混合是用来制作透明物体的. When graphics are rendered, after all shaders have executed and all textures have been applied, the pixels are written to the screen. How they are combined with