在给mysql数据库备份时,报错: mysqldump: Got error: 145: Table '.\shengdaxcom\pre_forum_thread' is marked as crashed and should be repaired when using LOCK TABLES 如上错误的解决方法如下:1.进入数据库对该表进行检测: mysql> check tables pre_forum_thread;+------------------------------+--
项目Gradle Errer:Network is unreachable: connect 同时还有as的 报错 Internal HTTP server disabled: Cannot start internal HTTP server. Git integration, JavaScript debugger and LiveEdit may operate with errors. Please check your firewall settings and restart A
客户需求:测试恢复的过程中,控制文件是全备时期的,recover database无法恢复到指定日期,控制文件中缺失后续新的归档备份信息. 方法:1.控制文件rman注册后续带库中的归档备份: 2.使用更新的控制文件进行恢复操作,其中自动包含归档日志信息,无需注册. 如果需要注册,Rman如何注册带库归档备份信息? HOW TO CATALOG TAPE BACKUP PIECES (Doc ID 550082.1) RMAN>CONFIGURE CHANNEL DEVICE TYPE 'SBT
场景不同,可以分析的日志不同. 有关oracle备份 (L0/L1) 或者Oracle Log smart backups的日志:UDSAgent.log (on target host located under /var/act/log)<dbname>_rman.log (on target host located under /var/act/log)udppm.log (on actifio appliance located under /dumps/udppm.log) 关于M
在xcode里面点击“upload to app store”的时候,提示“the session's status is FAILED and the error description is 'Client uable to connect to server(check UDP port .....)'” 解决办法:网速不稳上传失败,再上传一次或者使用Application Loader试一下
更详细信息请转http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-21187846-id-3017363.html 天,这里修改为15天:这样比较保险,到时候恢复时也可以找到当时的备份元数据: 命令如下: Alter system set control_file_record_keep_time=15 scope=both; 2,正式启用RMAN备份计划之前先清一下RMAN备份记录,否则RMAN备份时可能会报找不到已手工删除的归档日志: rman>crosscheck archivel
一 问题描述 客户说RMAN备份脚本执行有的时候报错,有的时候正常!!! 远程登陆客户环境,查询最后一次备份的日志报错信息,得到 RMAN-03002: failure of delete command at xxx RMAN-06091: no channel allocated for maintenance (of an appropriate type) 二 参考链接 https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-01/78144.htm Encounte