Problem An RNA string is a string formed from the alphabet containing 'A', 'C', 'G', and 'U'. Given a DNA string tt corresponding to a coding strand, its transcribed RNA string uu is formed by replacing all occurrences of 'T' in tt with 'U' in uu. Gi
单细胞转录组确实是利器,但我们大多只利用了表达的信息,而从reads到表达之间的信息完全被我们忽略了. 最近nature发了一篇单细胞方法类文章,讲得就是如何利用RNA velocity来做细胞发育路径的推断. velocyto velocyto-notebooks RNA velocity of single cells 首先需要了解一些基本概念: RNA velocity:the time derivative of the gene expression state—can be dire
Spike-in Control:添加/加入(某种物质)的对照(组)在某些情况下,待检验样本中不含待测物质或者含有但是浓度很低,为了证明自己建立的方法能对样本中待测物质进行有效的检测,可在待检样本中加入一定量的待测物质(外标)来进行该方法检测能力的验证.有时,这种加入外标的物质,也可用作为阳性对照.请楼主结合具体的语言环境来确定准确的意思.以下是对楼下战友提供的wiki中关于RNA Spike-in 解释部分的翻译,不妥之处,敬请指正:An RNA spike-in is an RNA tran
DNA序列编码中Hairpin的定义和计算 觉得有用的话,欢迎一起讨论相互学习~Follow Me 参考文献 [1] 张凯. DNA计算核酸编码优化及算法设计[D]. 2008. [2] Shin, Soo Yong , et al. "Multiobjective evolutionary optimization of DNA sequences for reliable DNA computing." IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Compu
ERCC是啥? 外部RNA控制联盟,就是一套RNA-seq,基因表达检测过程中的控制系统,使得结果具有可重复性. RNA Spike-in Controls for Gene Expression While early gene expression measurements with DNA microarrays were groundbreaking in their ability to reveal biological activity, the results were irre