*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* INCLUDE <icon>. TYPES:BEGIN OF ty_out, seq TYPE char6, "序号 werks TYPE marc-werks, "工厂 matnr TYPE marc-matnr, "物料号 maktx TYPE makt-maktx, "物料描述 ersda TYP
[转http://lz357502668.blog.163.com/blog/static/164967432012417102133216/]ALV 指示燈 編寫 1,在內表中申請一個字段. 該字段必須為大寫 如 data: begin of wa_out occurs 10, ICON LIKE icon-id , "1:Red 2:Yellow 3:Green 為指示燈字段 SELFL TYPE C , ebeln like ekko-eb
A standard SAP ALV list report will show only one line header, but there will be a requirement someday for you to create a multiple lines header in your ALV list report and in order to do this, you must first set the no_colhead property to "X" i