准备: 微软官方出了一个专用的汉字转拼音包Microsoft Visual Studio International Pack 1.0 SR1 首先到官网http://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/details.aspx?id=15251下载安装包,下载完后解压vsintlpack1,里面有7个安装包,只需安装CHSPinYinConv(跟拼音相关)和CHTCHSConv(简体和繁体间的转换)这两个包就可以了,安装完毕后,需要在VS里添加引用. 将C:\Pr
1. 参数中直接加入%%,注意不需要加两个单引号,加了就会出错,因为系统会自动为字符串类型加上两个单引号 <select id="selectPersons" resultType="person" parameterType="person"> select id,sex,age,username,password from person where true <if test="username!=null&qu
问题描述 在使用JDBC 预编译执行语句时,遇到一个问题,那就是在含有LIKE的查询语句时,我到底怎么使用匹配符%._呢. 如: SELECT * FROM "+LQ_USERS+" WHERE "+USER_LOGIN+" LIKE ? 问题分析 我们先看看我们要实现的结果: SELECT * FROM lq_users WHERE user_login LIKE "%2%"; 既然这样,我们知道,PreparedStatement类的setS
防sql注入之模糊匹配中%._处理: StringBuilder sbSql = new StringBuilder(); sbSql.Append(@"SELECT * from tablename t where 1 = 1 "); string name = dictparameters["Name"].ToString(); //Name参数值 if(name.Contains("%") || name.Contains("_&
使用“.+?”实现中间模糊匹配的代码: public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { String str="总会在某一个回眸的时刻醉了流年,濡湿了柔软的心.总会有某一个回眸的时刻醉了流年,濡湿了柔软的心"; str=str.replaceAll("总会在.+?流年", "总会有某一个回眸的时刻醉了流年"); System.out.println(str); } } 注:
Problem Description Last year summer Max traveled to California for his vacation. He had a great time there: took many photos, visited famous universities, enjoyed beautiful beaches and tasted various delicious foods. It is such a good trip that Max