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原文:Computer Scientist Tells Mathematicians How To Write Proofs 对比一下下面两个证明哪个更好? 版本一: "A square and 10 roots are equal to 39 units. The question therefore in this type of equation is about as follows: what is the square which combined with ten of its r
论文写到最后,一般正文就要以Conclusion结束了.Conclusion部分是一篇论文的正文结尾(the last section of a paper,last paragraph),主要是客观地表述论文的创新性研究成果所揭示的原理及其普遍性,也是通过逻辑推理需要得出得出的论文观点的一部分(the proposition arrived at by logical reasoning). 作为整篇留学论文的最后一段,Conclusion(结论,又称总结)是作者最终在调查.实验.推论.结果.
所谓Abstract,就是对所写论文主要内容的精炼概括.Abstract是美国人的说法,英国的科技期刊喜欢称之为Summary.在英文中,有资料是这么对其定义的:Abstract is a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory in a paper. 一般来说,英文科技论文的Abstract分为三种类型: 1.介绍型(Descriptive/Indicative) 介绍型(或称为指示型)Abstract通常比较简短