题目描述 对于employees表中,给出奇数行的first_nameCREATE TABLE `employees` (`emp_no` int(11) NOT NULL,`birth_date` date NOT NULL,`first_name` varchar(14) NOT NULL,`last_name` varchar(16) NOT NULL,`gender` char(1) NOT NULL,`hire_date` date NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`emp
sed 删除最后几行 和删除指定行 转载原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/lspgyy/1305489 sed 想删除文件中的指定行,是可以用行号指定也可以用RE来匹配的. 删除指定的行[可以指定行号删除.匹配字符串来删除] [root@Jason64-17 ~]# cat -n seq.txt 1 ok i will help you 2 understand sed usage 3 how to use it 4 and we should use it in vie
“p” command prints the buffer (remember to use -n option with “p”) “d” command is just opposite, its for deletion. ‘d’ will delete the pattern space buffer and immediately starts the next cycle. Syntax: # sed 'ADDRESS'd filename # sed /PATTERN/d file